How to diagnose the starter

How to diagnose the starter

Before you conclude that your starter is defective, eliminate any other causes which might affect its operation.  Try the following procedure.

  1. When the starter does not respond to the turn of the ignition to the starting position, check whether there is any voltage on clamp 50 of the starter (thin wire) using a special instrument or indicator light.  If there is no voltage, the car electric installation may be defective.
  2. If the starter moves the engine but the revolution is low, take two measurements with a voltmeter, as shown on figures below.  Both measurements should be taken when starting the engine in subsequent attempts to turn the starter on. 

Never keep the starter working for more than 5 to 10 seconds.  Repeat the attempts at intervals of several dozen seconds.


  • Measurement one – measure the voltage on battery clamps when the starter is working – if the measured voltage is lower than 8 V, the battery is discharged or defective. 
  • Measurement two check voltage between starter connection clamp and starter housing. The same as at first measurement, voltage should’t be less than 8V.

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